Animal Massage for Veterinarians
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Veterinarians have always been the place that pet owners have taken their animals for healing. Often times these visits are made only when the animal has noticeable signs of illness or pain. While preventive measures such as vaccinations and regular check-ups are common, there is more you can do to create repeat business and increase your client-base. Animal Massage offers veterinarians the opportunity to see clients on a more routine basis and increase awareness for preventative treatments.

What better way to get clients for your veterinary clinic than to help insure the pet will not experience pain. By having a certified animal massage therapist as part of your team, you are allowing for a steady flow of business. It is a cost effective way to increase your services and client-base while giving your current and future clients even more reason to choose your clinic.

By incorporating standard veterinary practice with a more natural, holistic approach to prevention and healing, clients will have the most complete and cost effective health care around.

Numerous other types of businesses benefit from having an animal massage therapist as part of the team.  Whether you own a grooming shop, dog training facility, doggie day care, kennel, or rehabilitation facility, these services could be easily implemented and your client list can be increased overnight.

For more information, Contact Us or Request a Brochure today!